Thursday, February 2

On the street: Cynthia Simões

Hi there! I love shopping the boutiques at Osborne Village. Although the prices are a little to rich for my blood I still love experience. While looking through Shout I saw her This is Cynthia rocking such a cool pair of vintage, red ronsir eyeglasses and her fathers button up. I know right?! I would never have guessed it, looks so nice on her. I think I'm gonna start dipping into the boys wardrobe ;) Thanks Cynthia!


  1. I love her outfit so much! This is adorable.

  2. She got great style! I love shopping on osbourne too and I agree with the prices! These photos look great by the way! Thanks for all your comments girl! Thanks...I love them black pants! :)And I know that fro aint much of a fro but I guess it's more realistic for what I could do. Maybe I'll put up another pic. lol.

  3. Love those glasses she's wearing! Super stylish! And I'm so so SO excited for Florida, I keep hearing such good things from everyone who's went.... are you counting down the days like I am? Almost a week!! Eee! :)
    <3 Carrie


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